
"Learn, Share and Care"

Our School Aims and Objectives


There is no better general statement on the aims of education than the one contained in the Warnock Report:  "firstly, to extend the children's knowledge, experience and imaginative
understanding and thereby extending their moral values and their capacity to enjoy; and
secondly , to enable them to go out into the world at the end of their formal education as willing and responsible participants of society, and to be able to gain as much independence as


  • to create a happy, homely and disciplined ethos with everyone feeling valued and useful members of the society within the school:
  • to establish a close and productive relationship with parents and the local community;
  • to help us develop lively enquiring minds, with the ability to question and debate
    logically, to apply ourselves to tasks and physical skills;
  • to grow to be independent and motivated learners who seek out and gain new skills,
    knowledge and new understandings
  • to help us gain knowledge and skills which are relevant to life and work in a fast changing world; to help us use language and number effectively;
  • to appreciate the masterpieces of mankind in art, music, science, technology and literature;
  • to nurture respect towards religious and moral values, and tolerance and understanding of other people's religions and lifestyles;
  • to develop a strong sense of self respect and ability to live as independent and
    self-motivated adults, together with the ability to operate as contributing members of
    co-operative groups;
  • to stress the importance of health and physical development in our lives.
  • to help us use language and number effectively.
  • we have an equal opportunities policy, everyone can take part in all activities.
  • the school's race equality policy is implemented at all times.


to create a happy community school for all of us attending from the various areas.

  • to promote the existing friendly and neighbourly
    relations by creating a sense of belonging to a wider area administered by our school.
  • to promote the feeling of belonging to a rural, bilingual community.
  • to enable us to forge links and form friendships with our peers who come from different cultures and
  • to listen to our views , within our "Child Board" and "Eco and Healthy Board".


Our teachers believe in a friendly and warm environment where respect is shown towards each of us as an individual.  Our school is part of the community where parents, friends and citizens from the area will join us during concerts, celebrations, trips, services and fundraising activities for the school.  Parents are also invited to offer their help/support in order to enrich the teaching of subjects within the curriculum.

We believe in helping children and people who are less
fortunate than ourselves through raising funds towards various charities and worthy causes.

Our teachers understand the importance of nurturing and teaching self-respect, as well as respect towards others and property.  We are constantly encouraged to be aware of our school's guidelines.  Rewards as well as progress are noted in our "Record Books", on our "Tree of Pride" and our "Achievement Chair".

The community is supported by the school; we share our building during the day and in the evenings.